The Role of Oil (petroleum) in the Recognition of Kurdish Statehood in Iraq, by Fidan Mirhanoğlu

Oil (petroleum) reserves have a profound impact on both economic profit and political influence, especially in fragile states explains Fidan Mirhanoğlu, PhD student at IFG who has just submitted her thesis.
This article explores the connection between oil and the recognition of statehood in Iraqi Kurdistan. It argues that oil (petroleum) has played a significant role in garnering recognition for Kurdish statehood by boosting its economic and political power. The study examines the history of the oil (petroleum) industry in Iraqi Kurdistan, its effects on the region’s political and economic development, and the dynamics between Iraqi Kurdistan and the central government in Baghdad. It also considers the role of international actors in recognizing Kurdish statehood, emphasizing the positive outcomes of having abundant natural resources and signing agreements with major oil companies. The research is based on interviews conducted in the Iraqi Kurdistan region in 2017.
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Tag:fidanMirhanoğlu, IFG, iraqi, kurdish, kurdistan, Mirhanoğlu, oil, thesis